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Sculptra Denver, CO

Sculptra in Denver CO


At Cherry Medical Aesthetics in Denver, CO, we offer Sculptra, an innovative treatment that can help you achieve a more youthful appearance. Sculptra is a FDA-approved injectable that works by stimulating your body’s natural collagen production. Collagen is a vital protein that provides structure and elasticity to your skin, but its production declines as we age. Sculptra’s unique formulation, composed of poly-L-lactic acid, helps to gradually rebuild collagen, resulting in improved skin texture, volume, and a rejuvenated look.


Sculptra can be used to treat various areas, including the cheeks, temples, jawline, and deep lines and wrinkles. It is an ideal treatment for individuals who are looking for long-lasting results and a natural-looking outcome. Sculptra can address volume loss, sagging skin, and deep folds, helping you achieve a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

Sculptra can help you achieve a more youthful and vibrant look with long-lasting results. Our experienced medical professionals at Cherry Medical Aesthetics can help you get the look you want. Contact us today to get started!

Sculptra in Denver CO

Benefits of Sculptra

  • Stimulates collagen production for natural and long-lasting results.
  • Restores volume to hollowed areas, such as the cheeks and temples.
  • Fills in deep lines, wrinkles, and folds for a smoother complexion.
  • Improves skin texture and elasticity for a youthful look.
  • Gradual results that develop over time, providing a natural transformation.
  • Non-surgical treatment with minimal downtime and discomfort.
  • Tailored treatment plans to address individual needs and goals.
  • Customizable treatment sessions to achieve desired outcomes.
  • Long-lasting results that can last up to two years.
  • Boosts self-confidence and enhances overall facial harmony.

Sculptra FAQ's?

Sculptra is an ideal treatment for individuals who are experiencing volume loss, sagging skin, and deep folds, and are looking for long-lasting and natural-looking results.

Sculptra can be used to treat various areas, including the cheeks, temples, jawline, and deep lines and wrinkles.

Results with Sculptra are achieved gradually and typically require a series of treatments spaced several weeks apart. Your provider will customize the treatment plan based on your individual needs.

Results with Sculptra develop over time, and you can start noticing improvements in skin texture and volume after a few treatment sessions.

The results of Sculptra can last up to two years, making it a long-lasting solution for facial rejuvenation.

Most patients can resume their regular activities immediately after the treatment. However, some temporary swelling, redness, or bruising may occur at the injection

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